The 65th International Fair of Techniques and Technical Achievements, which also marks a kind of jubilee in regional and international leadership in these areas, was officially opened on May 16, 2023 in Hall 1 of the Belgrade Fair.

During the ceremony, it was said that this is the first fair manifestation of the modern Belgrade Fair, from which more specialized others were born over time, initiators of industrial transformation in the country and region and representatives of the global fair industry in the fields of technique and production technologies.

Ceremonially opening the 65th International Fair of Technology and Technical Achievements, the Minister of Science, Technological Development and Innovation in the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Dr. Jelena Begović stated that “this manifestation, which is the first manifestation of the modern Belgrade Fair, represents the most prestigious specialized regional development and technological manifestation.”

“Today we are faced with the accelerated development of new and often already disruptive technologies that have an incredibly large impact on our lives. When we compare what is happening today with the time just a few decades ago, I think that a restart is happening on a global level.

Never before has technology had such an impact on our present as well as the future of new generations. Technology does not only affect people, it affects the whole nature and the planet. We cannot stop the development of technologies, we never could, but we must understand it. Because technology is here to help us, facilitate and improve our lives”.

“Technology,” said Minister Begović, “pushes the world forward and is the driving force behind the transformation of industry, the transformation of society, but also the transformation of nature.” Today we encounter the development of new machines, new production processes, new industrial concepts… We witness the development of robotics, IT, telecommunications, including blockchain technology, IOT, bioinformatics, VR, Al, biotechnology, new approaches in energy, transport, logistics, laser technologies , new industrial packaging, innovations in construction, new materials, cyber security…

That is why it is important that we understand technology, control its use and direct it towards solving global challenges: in medicine, agriculture and food production, energy, climate change, environmental protection, cities of the future, green transition and sustainable development.

For that, we need knowledge, research and development, both in state institutions and in industry and the private sector.”

“This week, visitors will be able to get acquainted with new technologies and technological achievements and get a picture of global development paths and trends.” They will be able to see what science in Serbia provides as solutions to global challenges through concrete products and innovations.

Today, there are companies, the startup community and universities and scientific institutes, a total of about 500 exhibitors from Serbia and abroad. Technology, but also science and knowledge, are unstoppable, know no boundaries and move the world,” the minister concluded, declaring the fair open.

Numerous guests, ministers, members of the diplomatic corps, exhibitors and visitors were also addressed by professor Dr. Dejan Ilić, university professor of international reputation, innovator, businessman, scientist in the field of physical chemistry, microcomputers, and electronics.

“I was very impressed when I passed through these halls today, I did not expect that there were so many exhibitors, that so many people in Serbia came to show technical achievements and those achievements that we can feel and see and use.” This really excites me, because it is also significant for the sake of young people who will be mobilized by what they will see here. They should accept these achievements and implement them in practice. By doing so, they ensure a better future for their people and their country.”

Professor Ilić compared this and such a full hall to the Frankfurt Fair, “which may be bigger, but I don’t believe it is better equipped with machines and exhibitors.” I wonder if this is possible?’

Immediately after the official opening of the 65th Technical Fair, Minister Begović opened an exhibition entitled “Play for Humanity” in Hall 2B. Science for everyone”, which, according to her, should provide answers to the numerous questions posed by this fair and the technical-technological moment. The distinguished guests were addressed by the Minister of Information and Telecommunications, Mihailo Jovanović, and the winner of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry, Daniel Šethman from Israel.

The content of the exhibition, which even includes an original moon rock, was organized by the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation, the Ministry of Information and Telecommunications and the Ministry of Education.

Under the slogan “Restart”, the technology fair brought together over 500 direct and indirect exhibitors, of which about 200 were foreign, from about thirty countries on four continents. They have at their disposal more than 15,000 square meters of exhibition space in halls 1, 1A, 2, 3 and 3A and in the open area of the Belgrade Fair.

The intention of the Technical Fair is to present as much as possible products and technological achievements in globally trending areas such as automation and robotics, artificial intelligence and machine learning, Internet of Things (IoT), 5G networks, blockchain technology, augmented and virtual reality, nanotechnology , clean energy, quantum computers, drones, and numerous areas within telecommunications, information technology, medical devices, energy, transportation, construction and other areas.

“Traditional” product groups such as CNC machines, machine tools, machining centers, tools and accessories for metal processing and shaping, electronics, measuring equipment and devices, process engineering, hydraulics and pneumatics, additive, 3D and laser technologies, metallurgy and foundry, welding technologies, electrical energy, lighting and LED technologies, and thermotechnics and KGH. Green industry, logistics, warehousing, industrial packaging, industrial and cyber security and protection are also not left out.

To the greatest extent possible, the fair also pushes the latest achievements in the field of industries 4.0 and 5.0, based on innovative industrial technologies that represent a revolution in interacting with the digital world.

Without significant institutional or informal help and support from competent state institutions, higher education, guild and chamber organizations and institutions, scientific research institutes, etc. Certainly the most prominent place among them belongs to the departmental Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation, under whose auspices, in Hall 2B of the Belgrade Fair, science and technology parks, higher education and scientific research organizations in Serbia are presented.

The professional accompanying program of this year’s Techniche Fair is mostly devoted to dilemmas regarding the possible directions of technical-technological development in various economic sectors.

Thus, already on the first day of the fair, after the ceremonial opening of the exhibition “Play for humanity! Science for all”, a lecture with the same topic is planned, then the BIO4 panel, the panel “Application of artificial intelligence in medicine”, a panel on emerging technologies (Emergin Tech) and a lecture on technology for the future. The Serbian Lighting Society has its traditional “Lighting Technology Day”.

The second day of the fair does not lag behind the variety of topics, and some of them are: “From academia to business”, “Faculties – places where innovators are born”, “Institutes – places where innovations are born”, “Protection of intellectual property rights – Where innovation becomes reality”, “Science and technology parks – a place where innovations come to life in their full glory”, “Incentives and support for innovation development – How innovations ensure smooth growth”, “Commercialization phase – “Big” partners”, and the program includes several examples of good practices (Farmit – student startup team, Bitgear, Coming NTP Niš, 30Hills…)

And on the third day, topics that intrigue the scientific public are planned, such as: “Hydrogen strategy”, “Biosense Agtech Accelerator”, best practices from Europe in connection with the AgTech ecosystem, and the state of the AgTech industry in Serbia, and “Program of entrepreneurial support for scientists “, “Education of personnel for technologically advanced products”, announcement of the movement “VEB3 ONE-STOP-SHOP”…

As primarily a business fair, the Technology Fair’s agenda includes a series of events and activities that will provide visitors with the opportunity to network, meet new business partners and exchange experiences. Numerous panels, workshops and lectures are intended for this, where the latest trends in the industry and technologies will be discussed.

A highly qualified jury will award the most successful exhibitors and other participants with the traditional “Step into the Future” prizes and awards.

Brojnim gostima, ministrima, članovima diplomatskog kora, izlagačima i posetiocima obratio se i profesor dr Dejan Ilić, univerzitetski profesor međunarodne reputacije, inovator, privrednik, naučnik iz oblasti fizičke hemije, mikroračunarstva, elektronike.

„Bio sam danas mnogo impresioniran kad sam danas prošao kroz ove hale, nisam očekivao da ima ovoliko izlagača, da je ovoliko ljudi u Srbiji došlo da pokaže tehnička dostignuća i to ona dostignuća koja možemo da opipamo i vidimo i da upotrebimo. To me istinski oduševljava, jer je to značajno i zbog mladih ljudi koji će da budu mobilisani onim što će ovde da vide. Oni treba da prihvate ta dostignuća i da u praksi sve to realizuju. Time obezbeđuju i svom narodu i svojoj državi bolju budućnost.“

Profesor Ilić je ovu i ovako ispunjenu halu uporedio sa Frankfurtskim sajmom, „koji je možda veći ali ne verujem da je opremljeniji mašinama i izlagačima. Zapitam se da li je ovo moguće?“

Neposredno posle svečanog otvaranja 65. Sajma tehnike, ministarka Begović je u Hali 2B otvorila izložbenu postavku pod nazivom „Igraj za čovečanstvo! Nauka za sve“, koja, po njenim rečima, treba da pruži odgovore i na brojna pitanja koja postavlja i ovaj sajam i tehničko-tehnološki trenutak. Uglednim gostima obratili su ministar informisanja i telekomunikacija Mihailo Jovanović i dobitnik Nobelove nagrade za hemiju Danijel Šethman iz Izraela.

Sadržaj postavke, koji uključuje čak i jedan originalni kamen sa Meseca, organizovali su Ministarstvo nauke, tehnološkog razvoja i inovacija, Ministarstvo informisanja i telekomunikacija i Ministarstvo prosvete.

Sajam tehnike je pod sloganom „Restart” na jednom mestu okupio soko 500 direktnih i indirektnih izlagača, od čega oko 200 stranih, iz tridesetak zemalja sa četiri kontinenta. Njima je na raspolaganju više od 15.000 kvm izlagačkog prostora u halama 1, 1A, 2, 3 i 3A i na otvorenom prostoru Beogradskog sajma.

Intencija Sajma tehnike je da u najvećoj mogućoj meri predstavi proizvode i tehnološka dostignuća u globalno-trendovskim oblastima kao što su automatizacija i robotika, veštačka inteligencija i mašinsko učenje, internet stvari (IoT), 5G mreže, blokčejn tehnologija, proširena i virtuelna stvarnost, nanotehnologija, čiste energije, kvantni računari, dronovi, te brojne oblasti u okviru telekomunikacija, informacionih tehnologija, medicinskih uređaja, energetike, transporta, građevinarstva i drugih oblasti.

Na reprezentativnom nivou zastupljene su i „tradicionalne“ robne grupe kao što su CNC mašine, mašine alatke, obradni centri, alati i pribori za obradu i oblikovanje metala, elektronika, merna oprema i uređaji, procesna tehnika, hidraulika i pneumatika, aditivne, 3D i laserske tehnologije, metalurgija i livarstvo, tehnologije zavarivanja, elektroenergetika, rasveta i LED tehnologije, te termotehnika i KGH. Nisu izostavljeni ni zelena industrija, logistika, skladištenje, industrijsko pakovanje, industrijska i kibernetska bezbednost i zaštita.

Sajam u najvećoj mogućoj meri forsira i najnovija dostignuća u oblasti industrija 4.0 i 5.0, zasnovanim na inovativnim industrijskim tehnologijama koje predstavljaju revoluciju u interagovanju sa digitalnim svetom.

Bez značajne institucionalne ili neformalne pomoći i podrške nadležnih državnih institucija, visokoobrazovnih, cehovskih i komorskih organizacija i institucija, naučno-istraživačkih instituta i sl. Svakako najistaknutije mesto među njima pripada resornom Ministarstvu nauke, tehnološkog razvoja i inovacija, pod čijim se okriljem, u hali 2B Beogradskog sajma, predstavljaju naučno-tehnološki parkovi, visokoobrazovne i naučno-istraživačke organizacije u Srbiji.

Stručni prateći program ovogodišnjeg Sajma tehnike najvećim delom je posvećen dilemama u pogledu mogućih pravaca tehničko-tehnološkog razvoja u različitim privrednim sektorima.

Tako su, već prvog dana sajma, posle svečanog otvaranja izložbene postavke „Igraj za čovečanstvo! Nauka za sve“, u planu predavanje sa istom temom, zatim panel BIO4, panel „Primena veštačke inteligencije u medicini“, panel o tehnologijama u nastajanju (Emergin Tech) te predavanje o tehnologiji za budućnost. Srpsko društvo za osvetljenje ima svoj tradicionalni „Dan svetlosne tehnike“.

Po raznovrsnosti tema ne zaostaje ni drugi dan sajma, a neke su: „Od akademije do biznisa“, „Fakulteti – mesta gde se rađaju inovatori“, „Instituti – mesta gde se rađaju inovacije“, „Zaštita prava intelektualne svojine – Gde inovacija postaje realnost“, „Naučno-tehnološki parkovi – mesto gde inovacije oživljavaju svoj pun sjaj“, „Podsticaji i podrška razvoju inovacija – Kako da inovacije osiguravaju neometan rast“, „Faza komercijalizacije – „Veliki” partneri“, a u programu je i više primera dobre prakse (Farmit – studentski startap tim, Bitgear, Coming NTP Niš, 30Hills…)

I trećeg dana u planu su teme koje intrigiraju naučnu javnost, kao što su: „Vodonična strategija“, „Biosense Agtech Akcelerator“, najbolje prakse iz Evrope u vezi sa AgTech ekosistemom, te stanje u AgTech industriji Srbije, te „Program preduzetničke podrške naučnicima“, „Edukacija kadrova za tehnološki napredne proizvode“, najava pokreta „VEB3 ONE-STOP-SHOP“…

Kao prvenstveno poslovni sajam, Sajam tehnike agendom obuhvata i niz događanja i aktivnosti koje će posetiocima pružaju priliku za umrežavanje, upoznavanje novih poslovnih partnera i razmenu iskustava. Tome su namenjeni i brojni paneli, radionice i predavanja na kojima će se raspravljati o najnovijim trendovima u industriji i tehnologijama.

Visokokvalifikovani žiri će najuspešnijim izlagačima i drugim učesnicima dodeliti tradicionalne nagrade i priznanja „Korak u budućnost“.